What is the typical weather like on NFL game days?

What is the typical weather like on NFL game days?



As a football fan, you’re always looking forward to watching your favorite team play on Sundays. But have you ever wondered how the weather on game day affects your viewing experience? In this article, we will explore the impact of weather on NFL games and how it can make or break your football-watching experience.


Weather and Football:

Football is a sport that requires physical fitness and athleticism, so it’s not surprising that weather can have an effect on the game. For example, wet weather can slow down players and affect their grip on the ball, making it more difficult for them to catch or pass. Additionally, extreme temperatures can be dangerous for both players and spectators, leading to heat exhaustion or dehydration.

Weather Affects Attendance:

Weather also plays a role in attendance at NFL games. When the weather is bad, fewer people are likely to attend a game, which can affect the team’s revenue. In fact, a study by the University of Georgia found that for every 10-degree increase in temperature, attendance at an NFL game decreased by 2%.

Case Study: The 2017 Super Bowl:

The 2017 Super Bowl was held on February 5th in Houston, Texas. The temperature during the game was a scorching 80 degrees Fahrenheit, leading to concerns about dehydration and heat exhaustion for both players and spectators. In fact, during the second half of the game, several players were seen cramping up on the sidelines. Despite these issues, the game was still highly entertaining, with the Eagles ultimately winning in overtime.


In conclusion, the weather on NFL game days can have a significant impact on both the game itself and attendance. While extreme temperatures can be dangerous for players and spectators, wet weather can affect the game’s speed and agility. However, with proper planning and preparation, teams can mitigate these effects and provide a safe and enjoyable viewing experience for all. So, whether you’re watching from home or attending a game in person, make sure to stay hydrated and dress appropriately for the weather conditions!


1. How does wet weather affect football games?

Wet weather can slow down players and affect their grip on the ball, making it more difficult for them to catch or pass.

2. Can extreme temperatures be dangerous for spectators at NFL games?

Yes, extreme temperatures can be dangerous for both players and spectators, leading to heat exhaustion or dehydration.

3. How does weather affect attendance at NFL games?

For every 10-degree increase in temperature, attendance at an NFL game decreases by 2%.