What is the first NFT game and how does it work?

What is the first NFT game and how does it work?


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have been revolutionizing various industries such as art, gaming, and sports. One of the first games to adopt this technology is CryptoKitties, launched in 2017 by Dapper Labs. In this article, we will explore how this game works and the impact it has had on the gaming industry.

What is the first NFT game and how does it work?

What is CryptoKitties?

CryptoKitties is a blockchain-based game that allows players to breed cats and collect unique digital assets. Each cat is represented by an NFT, which can be bought, sold, and traded like any other cryptocurrency. The game’s objective is to create the rarest and most valuable cats in the game, and owning them grants players exclusive privileges such as access to special events and contests.

How does CryptoKitties work?

CryptoKitties uses smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to manage its operations. When a player buys a cat, they receive an NFT that represents ownership of that cat. The game’s core mechanic is breeding cats, which involves combining two cats to create a new one with unique attributes such as fur type, color, and pattern.

The rarity of a cat is determined by its genetic makeup, with some cats being more valuable than others based on their traits. Cats can also be sold or traded, creating a secondary market for the game’s assets. The game also features special events and contests where players can win exclusive rewards and recognition.

Impact of CryptoKitties on the gaming industry

CryptoKitties has had a significant impact on the gaming industry since its launch. It introduced NFTs to the gaming world, paving the way for other blockchain-based games such as Axie Infinity, Decentraland, and Sandbox. CryptoKitties also attracted a new audience of gamers who were interested in owning unique digital assets that could be bought, sold, and traded on a decentralized platform.

The game’s popularity has led to the creation of a thriving secondary market for its NFTs, with some cats being worth tens of thousands of dollars. This has also created new revenue streams for game developers, who can monetize their games through the sale of NFTs and other digital assets.

CryptoKitties has also inspired new use cases for NFTs beyond gaming, such as art and collectibles. Many artists have started selling their works as NFTs on platforms like OpenSea and Rarible, allowing them to monetize their creations and gain greater control over their intellectual property.


CryptoKitties is the first NFT game and has had a significant impact on the gaming industry since its launch. The game’s use of NFTs has created new revenue streams for game developers, attracted a new audience of gamers, and inspired new use cases for digital assets beyond gaming. As the adoption of NFTs continues to grow, we can expect to see more innovative uses of this technology in various industries.