What are NFT games on the Polygon network and how can I get involved?

What are NFT games on the Polygon network and how can I get involved?


The world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is rapidly expanding, and Polygon is quickly becoming one of the go-to networks for creating engaging and immersive NFT games. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore what NFT games are, how they work on Polygon, and how you can get involved as a developer.

What are NFT Games?

NFT games are online games that use blockchain technology to create unique, verifiable items that can be owned and traded by players. These items can take many forms, including characters, collectibles, and virtual real estate. The key advantage of using NFTs in games is that they provide a level of ownership and scarcity that traditional virtual goods cannot match. This means that players can truly own their in-game items, and they can also trade those items with other players on the open market.

Why Polygon?

Polygon is a decentralized platform that allows for fast and low-cost transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. This makes it an ideal choice for creating NFT games because it allows developers to create engaging and immersive games without sacrificing performance or scalability. In addition, Polygon’s smart contracts are designed to be more user-friendly than Ethereum’s, making it easier for developers to create and deploy their games on the network.

Getting Started with NFT Games on Polygon

If you’re interested in creating an NFT game on Polygon, there are a few key steps you’ll need to take:

Why Polygon?

  1. Choose your game concept: Before you start building your game, you’ll need to decide what type of game you want to create. This could be anything from a collectible card game to a role-playing game with unique characters and items.
  2. Create your NFTs: Once you have your game concept in mind, you’ll need to start creating your NFTs. These will be the unique items that players will own and trade within your game. You can create these NFTs using any of the tools available on Polygon, such as Mintable or OpenZeppelin.
  3. Build your game: With your NFTs created, you’ll need to start building your game. This will involve creating smart contracts that govern how players interact with each other and their NFTs, as well as designing the user interface for your game.
  4. Deploy your game: Once your game is built, you’ll need to deploy it on Polygon. This involves uploading your smart contracts to the network and making them accessible to players.
  5. Promote your game: Finally, you’ll need to promote your game to attract players. This could involve creating a social media campaign, reaching out to influencers, or using other marketing strategies to get the word out about your game.


  • What tools are available for creating NFT games on Polygon?
    • Mintable and OpenZeppelin are two popular tools for creating NFTs on Polygon. There are many other resources available as well, including tutorials and development guides.
  • How do I deploy my game on Polygon?
    • To deploy your game on Polygon, you’ll need to upload your smart contracts to the network and make them accessible to players. This can be done using a variety of tools and platforms, including Remix and Truffle.
  • What are some best practices for creating NFT games on Polygon?
    • Some best practices for creating NFT games on Polygon include choosing a clear and engaging game concept, creating unique and valuable NFTs, and promoting your game effectively to attract players.