How can I locate the device ID on my Android phone

How can I locate the device ID on my Android phone


Are you a web developer looking to create apps or games specifically designed for Android devices? If so, then understanding how to locate your Android device ID is crucial. In this guide, we’ll explain what the device ID is and how you can easily find it on your own Android phone.

What is a Device ID?

A device ID is a unique identifier assigned to each Android device when it first connects to the internet. It allows developers to track user behavior and preferences across multiple devices and platforms, making it easier to create targeted advertising campaigns and personalized experiences.

How to Find Your Device ID

There are several ways to locate your device ID on an Android phone. Here are three common methods:

  1. Settings -> About Phone

One of the easiest ways to find your device ID is by accessing the "About Phone" section in your Android phone’s settings menu. Here, you should see a list of information about your device, including its model number and serial number. The device ID will typically be listed under the "Build Number" or "Hardware Information" section.

2. Developers Tools -> Debugging Bridge

If you’re a more advanced web developer looking to access your device ID programmatically, then you can use the Android Developer Tools to connect your phone to a computer and use the debugging bridge to retrieve the device ID. This method requires some technical knowledge, but it allows you to automate the process of locating your device ID in your code.

3. Advertising SDK -> Device Information

3. Advertising SDK -> Device Information
If you’re using the Google Advertising SDK in your Android app, then you can easily retrieve the device ID by accessing the "Device Information" class. This class provides a variety of information about the user’s device, including its model number and serial number.

Benefits of Knowing Your Device ID

By knowing your device ID, web developers can create more targeted advertising campaigns and personalized experiences for Android users. For example, you could use the device ID to track user behavior across multiple devices and platforms, allowing you to create more effective cross-selling and upselling strategies.

Real-Life Example: Retargeting Ads

One real-life example of how knowing your device ID can be useful is in retargeting ads. With retargeting ads, you can show ads to users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your app. By using the device ID to track user behavior across devices and platforms, you can create more effective retargeting campaigns that target users specifically based on their interests and preferences.


1. Is it safe to share my device ID?

  • No, it’s generally not safe to share your device ID with third parties without your consent. Many apps and websites use the device ID to track user behavior and preferences, but this information can be used for malicious purposes if it falls into the wrong hands.

    2. Can I change my device ID?

  • No, you cannot change your device ID. It is assigned to your device when it first connects to the internet and remains unique throughout its lifetime.

    3. What happens if I lose access to my device ID?

  • If you lose access to your device ID, then it may be difficult for web developers to track user behavior and preferences across multiple devices and platforms. However, there are other methods of tracking user behavior, such as cookies and IP addresses, that can be used in place of the device ID.